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General Information:

Name: Jason Burns
Company Name: Red Room Productions
Location: Nundah, Queensland, Australia
Professional Status: Semi-Professional
Online Portfolio:

Specialising/Interested in: Fashion, Topless/Lingerie, Private Shoots (for photographer's personal use.

Producer's Comments:

Im a website owner/developer. There are several different types of photos I require. The most needed is some fashion modelling in order to sell some products online, and the second is promo pics for a leg fetish website. All photos will be anonymous(no face in the pics) and specifically focusing on legs, feet, heels, stockings etc. No nudity is required but it could progress to that in the future with the right model and the right circumstances.

You'll find me professional to work with. I'm polite, respectful, non-pushy and respect your boundaries. be open and frank with me as I will be with you .

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